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Recovery from trauma is entirely possible

Trauma Therapist in San Francisco

Trauma is a sudden disruption of your normal, everyday homeostasis.

Trauma happens fast, and is often an unexpected shock to the system.

It can come in many forms, whether it’s “relational trauma” such as abuse or neglect, experiencing or witnessing violence, death, or near death, emotional abuse, religious trauma, the list goes on.

You may need trauma therapy in San Francisco if you experience…

…panic attacks, flooding, being “on edge,” angry outbursts…

…being easily startled…

…difficulty concentrating…

…increase in risky behaviors like drinking or using…

…painful flashbacks…


…difficulty falling or staying asleep…

…chaos in your relationships…

…thoughts and feelings of guilt and worthlessness…

And much, much more.

When left untreated, trauma can ruin your life.

But hope can be found, and healing from trauma is entirely possible. As a result of trauma therapy in San Francisco, you can experience:

  • A restored sense of “agency”

  • A calm, relaxed state where you feel like yourself again

  • No longer avoiding the thoughts, feelings, memories, places, or people that remind you of your trauma

  • A more open, loving way of being in the world

  • A renewed sense of joy

  • Hopefulness and an excitement for life

I use a blend of the most effective yet gentle therapies available toady. These therapies are considered “evidence-based,” meaning they’ve been validated by repeated academic research. These modalities include:

  1. Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy

  2. EMDR (EMDR San Francisco and EMDR in Oakland)

  3. Somatic Experiencing

Generally, I aim to weave these therapies together in a way that best suits your needs and wants, and based on what we find works for you individually.

Here are some common ways I use these various therapies to treat trauma:

IFS therapy holds that when trauma happens, “parts” are forced into extreme roles within your system. This includes both “protector” parts, like an anxious perfectionist part, or a drinking part, as well as “exile” parts, such as a wounded young child who suffered the abuse. IFS therapy helps by first helping you unblend from your parts, which often gives some degree of instant relief and “openness,” and thus making more room for Self or Self-Energy. From there, we use Self-Energy to go inside and unburden your parts. The result is often a powerful, deep healing that lasts.

EMDR is a brain therapy, and is thus best used to help take some of the sting out of the painful traumatic memories you’re dealing with. In EMDR, I'll have you focus on one particular memory (on with the permission of your protector parts, of course) while facilitating BLS, or bilateral stimulation. This can be in the form of moving the eyes back and forth, tapping your own shoulders left to right, holding a vibrating tapper in each hand, or some combination. BLS helps your traumatic memories go from short-term storage to long-term storage, once and for all. This often makes more space for deeper IFS work, helps burdened parts heal, and gives you a sense of freedom and moving out of avoidance.

Somatic therapy suggests that when you experience trauma, that trauma is held in the body and as such, we work with the body to release it. When I am doing IFS, a typical “trailhead” or starting point for an IFS session is often the body. As a client describes something difficult I’ll often ask, “slow down and notice where you feel it in your body,” and “how are you feeling toward this sensation in your body,” and so forth. Parts often create physical symptoms, so we may often see these as signals from parts trying to express themselves and as such, when we unburden these parts, the physical (or somatic) sensations often resolve simultaneously.

It’s important that whatever modalities we use, that we work together to create a therapy that is unique for and best-suited to you.

I truly believe that hope and healing are possible, and that you can recover fully from trauma and PTSD.

Navigating the Bay Area therapy scene is not easy, but I aim to make the process of getting started as simple and painless as possible.

If you’re interested in working together, reach out today for a free consultation.

Healing Begins Here: More About Trauma Therapy in San Francisco

Healing and transformation are within reach for those seeking trauma therapy in city of San Francisco. Whether you are dealing with past traumatic experiences, anxiety, depression, or any other mental health challenges, you can embark on your healing journey today.

In the heart of this bustling city, trauma therapy offers a sanctuary where individuals can confront their past, process their emotions, and learn effective tools for self-care and resilience. From evidence-based approaches like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Internal Family Systems (IFS), to alternative healing modalities like somatic experiencing, San Francisco offers a diverse range of therapeutic options to meet every individual's unique needs.

By connecting with trauma therapists in San Francisco, you are taking a powerful step towards reclaiming your life and finding inner peace.

Understanding trauma therapy

Trauma therapy is a specialized form of therapy that focuses on helping individuals who have experienced traumatic events or have been living with the effects of trauma. Trauma can result from a wide range of experiences, including but not limited to physical or sexual abuse, accidents, natural disasters, or witnessing violence. These experiences can have a profound impact on a person's mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

The goal of trauma therapy is to help individuals process their traumatic experiences, understand their emotional responses, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. A trauma therapist creates a safe and supportive environment for clients to explore their feelings and memories, often using evidence-based techniques to address the unique challenges that trauma presents.

Trauma therapy is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Different individuals may respond better to different therapeutic modalities. I offer a diverse range of trauma therapy options, ensuring that everyone can find a treatment approach that resonates with them. Let's explore some common types of trauma and their impact on mental health.

The importance of trauma therapy for healing

Trauma can have long-lasting effects on a person's mental health. It can lead to symptoms such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, flashbacks, nightmares, and difficulty trusting others. Without proper treatment, these symptoms can persist and significantly impact a person's quality of life.

Trauma therapy plays a crucial role in the healing process. It provides individuals with a safe and non-judgmental space to explore their traumatic experiences, process their emotions, and learn effective coping strategies. Through therapy, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, develop resilience, and ultimately find healing and wholeness.

Research has shown that trauma therapy can be highly effective in reducing the symptoms of trauma and improving overall well-being. It empowers individuals to take control of their lives, break free from the grip of trauma, and create a brighter future. If you are in San Francisco and seeking trauma therapy, you are in the right place.

Common types of trauma and their impact on mental health

Trauma can manifest in various forms, and its impact on mental health can vary from person to person. Some common types of trauma include:

1. Physical abuse: This type of trauma involves the use of physical force or violence, resulting in physical harm or injury. It can lead to feelings of fear, helplessness, and a distorted sense of self.

2. Sexual abuse: Sexual abuse involves any unwanted sexual activity or behavior that is forced upon an individual. It can cause profound emotional and psychological effects, including shame, guilt, and difficulties with intimacy.

3. Emotional abuse: Emotional abuse is characterized by verbal attacks, manipulation, or constant criticism. It can result in low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and difficulties forming healthy relationships.

4. Neglect: Neglect refers to the failure to provide the necessary care and support to a child or dependent adult. It can lead to feelings of abandonment, self-blame, and a pervasive sense of emptiness.

5. Natural disasters: Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or wildfires can cause significant trauma. They can result in feelings of powerlessness, fear, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms.

The impact of trauma on mental health can be profound. It is important to seek professional help if you are experiencing any symptoms related to trauma. In San Francisco, you can find trauma therapists who specialize in addressing these specific types of trauma and their associated mental health challenges.

Finding a trauma therapist in San Francisco

Finding the right trauma therapist is a crucial step towards healing. The therapist-client relationship is built on trust and understanding, so it is essential to find a therapist who is the right fit for you.

To find a trauma therapist in San Francisco, consider the following steps:

1. Research: Look for therapists who specialize in trauma and have experience working with individuals who have similar experiences or symptoms. Many therapists say they work with trauma, but few therapists actually treat trauma.

2. Read reviews: Read online reviews and testimonials from previous clients to get a sense of the therapist's approach, expertise, and effectiveness.

3. Schedule an initial session: Many therapists, including me, offer initial consultations or sessions to assess the client's needs and determine if they are a good fit. Use this opportunity to gauge your comfort level with the therapist and assess if their approach resonates with you.

Finding a trauma therapist can be an empowering process. Remember, it is essential to find someone who understands your unique needs and creates a safe space for your healing journey.

What to expect in a trauma therapy session

Entering into a trauma therapy session can feel daunting, especially if you have never been in therapy before. Understanding what to expect can help ease any apprehensions and allow you to fully engage in the healing process.

In a trauma therapy session, you can expect:

1. Confidentiality: Your trauma therapist is bound by professional ethics to maintain strict confidentiality. This means that what you share in therapy will remain private unless there is a risk of harm to yourself or others.

2. Safety: Trauma therapy sessions are designed to be safe spaces where you can explore your emotions and experiences without judgment or fear. Your therapist will create a supportive environment where you can feel heard and validated.

3. Active listening: Your trauma therapist will actively listen to your experiences and emotions. They will provide empathy and understanding as you share your story, helping you feel seen and heard.

4. Trauma-informed approach: Trauma therapists are trained to work with individuals who have experienced trauma. They will employ trauma-informed techniques and interventions to ensure that your healing journey is respectful, safe, and effective.

5. Collaboration: Trauma therapy is a collaborative process. Your therapist will work with you to establish goals, develop coping strategies, and explore different therapeutic modalities to help you heal.

6. Homework and self-care: Your trauma therapist may assign homework or suggest self-care practices to supplement your therapy sessions. These activities can help reinforce what you learn in therapy and support your healing outside of the therapy room.

Remember, each trauma therapy session is unique to the individual. We will tailor the sessions to meet your specific needs and goals.

Different approaches to trauma therapy

Trauma therapy encompasses a wide range of approaches, each with its unique benefits and techniques. San Francisco offers a diverse array of trauma therapy options, ensuring that you can find an approach that resonates with you. Here are some common approaches to trauma therapy:

1. Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy: IFS is a specialized therapy that focuses on working with our "parts." When someone endures trauma, their parts are placed into extreme roles internally, which often result in extreme "polarizations." IFS therapy helps you unblend and unburden your parts.

2. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): EMDR is a specialized therapy that uses bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, to process traumatic memories and reduce their emotional intensity. I offer EMDR in San Francisco, EMDR therapy in Oakland, and EMDR online.

3. Somatic Experiencing: Somatic Experiencing focuses on the physiological responses to trauma and helps individuals release pent-up energy and tension in the body. It emphasizes the mind-body connection in healing.

These are just a few examples of the many approaches to trauma therapy available in San Francisco. Each approach has its own strengths, and what works for one person may not work for another. It is important to work with a trauma therapist who can help you determine which approach is best suited to your needs and goals.

Benefits of trauma therapy in San Francisco

Here are some key benefits of trauma therapy in San Francisco:

1. Experienced practitioners: San Francisco is home to highly skilled trauma therapists who have years of experience working with individuals who have experienced trauma. These practitioners possess the knowledge and expertise needed to guide you on your healing journey.

2. Diverse therapeutic options: San Francisco offers a wide range of trauma therapy modalities, ensuring that you can find an approach that resonates with you. From traditional evidence-based therapies to alternative healing modalities, the city has something for everyone.

3. Community support: San Francisco has a strong sense of community and support for individuals seeking healing. Numerous support groups, workshops, and community organizations focus on trauma and mental health, providing additional resources and connections.

4. Natural beauty and healing spaces: San Francisco's natural beauty, including its parks and waterfront areas, provides serene settings for healing and reflection. These spaces can complement the therapeutic process, allowing individuals to connect with nature and find solace in their surroundings.

5. Holistic approach: San Francisco embraces a holistic approach to healing, recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. This approach is reflected in the city's other therapeutic offerings, which often incorporate mindfulness, art, movement, and other holistic modalities.

By seeking trauma therapy in San Francisco, you are tapping into a rich and supportive environment that can enhance your healing journey. The city's resources and practitioners are dedicated to helping you heal and thrive.

Insurance coverage for trauma therapy

When seeking trauma therapy, it is important to consider insurance coverage. Many insurance plans provide coverage for mental health services, including therapy. In San Francisco, both private and public insurance plans may cover trauma therapy, depending on the specific plan and provider. Please note that although I am considered an out-of-network provider, I am happy to provide superbills for you to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.

To determine if your insurance plan covers trauma therapy, consider the following steps:

1. Contact your insurance provider: Reach out to your insurance provider and inquire about your mental health coverage. Ask specifically about coverage for trauma therapy and any limitations or requirements.

2. In-network vs. out-of-network providers: Insurance plans often have a network of preferred providers. In-network providers have agreed-upon rates with the insurance company, making their services more affordable. Out-of-network providers may still be covered, but at a higher cost to you.

3. Check coverage limitations: Insurance plans may have limitations on the number of therapy sessions covered or specific requirements for coverage. Familiarize yourself with these limitations to ensure that you are aware of any potential out-of-pocket costs.

4. Consider sliding scale options: If your insurance plan does not

Taking the first step towards healing

Trauma therapy provides a safe and supportive space for individuals to explore their emotions, process their experiences, and develop tools for self-care and resilience. Whether you are dealing with past traumatic experiences, anxiety, depression, or any other mental health challenges, San Francisco has a range of therapeutic options to meet your unique needs.

Take the first step toward healing and book a free consultation today.

Book a free consulation.